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As this Thursday marks the first day of summer, I felt it appropriate to remind my fellow pasty people out there to always protect your skin from sun damage, and not to let your suddenly tan friends and family members discourage you from showing off your ghostly gams—even if they relentlessly tease you about it. Wear your paleness proudly! If you need some encouragement, read on for my five rules to follow to rock your pale skin this summer.
While many use this time to reintroduce their shoulders and knees to the world, emerging from the weekends with freshly bronzed bodies, we can’t all achieve the JLO glow (though she did release a cosmetics line with Inglot). At some point this summer you’ll hear a song praising a woman’s sexy tan lines as you decide which top will draw the least amount of attention to your unearthly whiteness.
We were not all born to be bronze and that’s OK. I was once the victim of semi-frequent spray tans, until my guapo helped me realize that my paleness is part of what makes me unique and is pretty in its own way. Plus, I was tired of ruining my bed sheets. Now I stick to bronzing cosmetics that won’t leave me looking like a giant carrot; two of the best bronzers for fair skin are Tarte Amazonian Clay Matte Waterproof Bronzer in Park Ave Princess and Benefit Hoola Matte Bronzer.
Here’s my five step plan for owning your fair skin this summer:
Rule #1: Make sunscreen your BFF.
This is not new information for pale folks. Yet, we still end up suffering through at least one sunburn a summer. Probably after day drinking, maybe at an all-inclusive pool bar in a tropical resort, or after sitting on a patio for too long one afternoon.
This summer I promise to take sunscreen more seriously. Even if a certain husband gives a giant eye roll every time I sneak away to reapply, I am going to do it, and do it well. There’s no half-assing sunscreen application. If you miss one little sliver of skin, that sliver turns into a bright red and angry mark to remind you of your failure to protect your porcelain exterior. Slather that stuff on, people.
Here’s another tip: a dermatologist told me to apply sunscreen to the back of your hands, an often forgotten area, to avoid getting sun spots there. Think about it: your hands are in the sun every day when you’re driving, or holding a mojito on a lounge chair… you get it.
A few good sunscreens to try:
I usually stick with something budget-friendly, like Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen Lotion. A pricier option (but one that smells way better) is Coola Organic Classic Body Sunscreen in Guava Mango. If you’re into a spray, Hint Sunscreen is pretty good, too!
Rule #2: Find a fair-skinned muse.
Anne Hathaway, Dita Von Teese, The Little Mermaid, Morticia Addams: pick one or a few and channel their confidence. You are a glowing goddess.
Rule #3: Use photo trickery.
When taking photos for social media, avoid posing in front of plain white walls. Aside from them not being very interesting, you might end up just kind of blending into the background, speaking from experience. As my skin is so void of pigment, I’ve found I look better surrounded by bright colors. And you can always fake a tan with filters. But do what makes you happy!
Rule #4: Be extra.
Buy a really big hat. You know, Samantha in Sex and the City style. Like, Bella Hadid style. Carry a charming parasol. Be that person that takes up all the space, unapologetically. You can’t help that your delicate outer shell is a magnet for the sun’s merciless flames.
Summer accessories for fair skin:
Extra large sun hats
You might find vintage sun hats at your local thrift stores or Etsy. If you need one soon, this San Diego Hat Company Women’s Ultrabraid X Large Brim Hat comes in a handful of different colors to choose from and offers a lot of sun protection for your pale skin.
A vintage parasol
I found a great vintage parasol on shopgoodwill.com (an awesome site for finding vintage treasures) but you can also find them on eBay. There are also newer vintage-inspired ones on Amazon.
Rule #5: SPARKLE.
When you already glow in the dark, why not add GLITTER, too?? Sunshine & Glitter makes sunscreen, lip gloss with SPF, after-sun aloe and more, all with glitter. I took the Beach Gypsy SPF 30+ with Gold Glitter on my last trip to Miami. Instead of feeling like a chore to apply, it was fun to put on and see myself suddenly sparkle, and it doesn’t have a weird sunscreen smell. So yes, you can pretty much be a Twilight vampire on the beach.

Have a great summer!
Get more vintage style and beauty tips by following The Dapper Dahlia on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.
For more summer beauty tips, check out my list of the Best Red Lipsticks for Fair Skin.